BOYS IN BLUE: The Grand Army of the Republic Traveling Exhibit

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

The traveling exhibit, BOYS IN BLUE: The Grand Army of the Republic, A Civil War Veterans’ Organization opens March 1 at the Lyon County Museum.  The exhibit runs until June 1.  The traveling exhibit was organized by the Siouxland Heritage

History of the Grand Army of the Republic Program

On Monday, April 9 at 6:30pm, Dr. Lloyd Petersen will present on the history of the Grand Army of the Republic.  Doors open at 6:00pm.  This is a free event and light refreshments will be served. This program is in conjunction with the

Museum Expo

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

The Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon Street, Marshall is hosting the 3rd Annual Museum Expo, “Your Passport to Summer Fun!” on Saturday, April 28 at 10:00-3:00. Plan your summer road trip by learning about the rich history in southwest

G.A.R. Grand Army of the Republic: Minnesota Department Book Presentation

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

Author Richard (Dick) V. Punchard will present his book, G.A.R. Grand Army of the Republic: Minnesota Department, on Monday, May 7 at the Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon St, Marshall.  The program starts at 6:30pm.  Copies of the book

Little Golden Books Presentation

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

Collector Ellen Radel will present on her collection and the history of Little Golden Books on Monday, May 14 at the Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon St, Marshall.  The program starts at 6:30pm.  Ellen has the largest collection of

50th Anniversary of the Tracy Tornado

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

Author Scott Thoma will present on the 50th Anniversary of the Tracy Tornado on Tuesday, May 15 at the Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon St, Marshall.  The program starts at 6:30pm.  Copies of his book, Out of the Blue,

5 Year Anniversary Open House

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

The Lyon County Museum opened in the former Marshall-Lyon County Library building in May of 2013. Join us for a 5 year anniversary open house on Thursday, May 17, 4:30-7:00 pm.  A short program at 5:30 pm. Cake, refreshments, and

Victorian Social Media & Tea

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

Victorian Social Media and Tea is on Saturday, May 19 from 1:00-4:00 at the Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon St, Marshall. Discover how friends and family connected within their social networks in the late 1800’s.  Free activities include personalizing

Tenement Life for the Immigrants in New York City, 1890s

Lyon County Historical Society Museum 301 West Lyon Street, Marshall, MN, United States

Dr. Mary Jones, Director of Extended Learning & Academic Outreach at SMSU, will present on Tenement Life for the Immigrants in New York City, 1890s on Tuesday, May 22 at the Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon St, Marshall.  The