“Pioneer Women in Southwest Minnesota, 1880-1915” Program and LCHS Annual Meeting
April 17 @ 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

“Pioneer Women in Southwest Minnesota, 1880-1915” program and the Lyon County Historical Society Annual Meeting is on Thursday, April 17 starting at 5:30 PM at the Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon Street in Marshall. This event is free will donation and open to the public.
5:30 PM: Light Refreshments
6:00 PM: Business Meeting (2024 Annual Report)
6:30 PM: Program: “Pioneer Women in Southwest Minnesota, 1880-1915” by Dr. Anita Talsma Gaul.
About the Program: In contrast to the stereotypes of pioneer women as either the “sunbonneted helpmate” or the overworked drudge, women living in southwest Minnesota in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were essential to the success of family farms, as well as integral parts of their rural communities who made important economic, cultural, and even political contributions.
For more information, contact the Lyon County Museum at 507-537-6580